
Journal articles

Manipulating Voice Attributes by Adversarial Learning of Structured Disentangled Representations
Benaroya, E.L., N. Obin and A. Roebel (2023)
Entropy, 25.2 pdf, bibtex

Binaural Localization of Multiple Sound Sources by Non-Negative Tensor Factorization
Benaroya, E. L., N. Obin, M. Liuni, A. Roebel, W. Raumel and S. Argentieri (2018)
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 26.6, pp. 1072-1082. pdf, bibtex

Multimodal speaker clustering in full length movies
Kapsouras, I., A. Tefas, N. Nikolaidis, G. Peeters, E.L. Benaroya, and I. Pitas (2016),
Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1–20. bibtex

Development of a Silent Speech Interface Driven by Ultrasound and Optical Images of the Tongue and Lips
Hueber, T., E.L. Benaroya, G. Chollet, B. Denby, G. Dreyfus, and M. Stone (2010),
Speech Communication, Special Issue, Silent Speech Interface 52.4, pp. 288–300. bibtex

Audio source separation with a single sensor
Benaroya, E.L., F. Bimbot, and R. Gribonval (2006).
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 14.1, pp. 191–199. pdf, bibtex


Procédé de séparation de signaux sources à partir d’un signal issu d’un mélange
Benaroya, E.L. and MIST-Technologies (2005).
Brevet Européen, EP 1 605 440 A1. bibtex


Séparation de plusieurs sources sonores avec un seul microphone
Benaroya, E.L. (2003).
PhD thesis. Université de Rennes 1. pdf, bibtex

International conference papers

Sequence-To-Sequence Voice Conversion using F0 and Time Conditioning and Adversarial Learning
Frederik Bous, Laurent Benaroya, Nicolas Obin, Axel Roebel (2022)
30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) pdf, bibtex

A generic classification system for multi-channel audio indexing: application to speech and music detection
Benaroya, E.L. and G. Peeters (2013).
IEEE 14th International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS). Paris, France, pp. 1–4. bibtex

FPGA-based radio-on-demand broadcast receiver with musical genre identification
Tietche, B. Happi, O. Romain, B. Denby, E.L. Benaroya, and S. Viateur (2012).
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). Hangzhou, China, pp. 1381–1385. bibtex

Prototype of a radio-on-demand broadcast receiver with real time musical genre classification
Tieche, B. Happi, O. Romain, B. Denby, E.L. Benaroya, et al. (2012).
Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing (DASIP). Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1–2. bibtex

Software Radio FM Broadcast Receiver for Audio Indexing Applications
Tieche, B. Happi, O. Romain, B. Denby, and E.L. Benaroya et al (2012).
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). Kos Island, Greece, pp. 585–590. bibtex

Statistical Mapping between Articulatory and Acoustic Data for an Ultrasound-based Silent Speech Interface
Hueber, T., E.L. Benaroya, B. Denby, and G. Chollet (2011).
Interspeech. Firenze, Italia, pp. 593–596. bibtex

A Visual Speech Recognition System for an Ultrasound-based Silent Speech Interface
Cai, J., T. Hueber, B. Denby, E.L. Benaroya, G. Chollet, P. Roussel, G. Dreyfus, and L. Crevier-Buchman (2011).
In: 17th International Congress of Phonetic Scences (ICPhS). Honk Kong, China, pp. 384–387. bibtex

Visuo-Phonetic Decoding using Multi-Stream and Context-Dependent Models for an Ultrasound-based Silent Speech Interface
Hueber, T., E.L. Benaroya, G. Chollet, B. Denby, G. Dreyfus, and M. Stone (2009).
Interspeech. Brighton, UK, pp. 640–643. pdf, bibtex

Single sensor source separation using multiple-window STFT representation
Benaroya, E.L., R. Blouet, C. Févotte, and I. Cohen (2006).
International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC). Paris, France. pdf, bibtex

Learning Unions of Orthonormal Bases with Thresholded Singular Value Decom position
Lesage, S., R. Gribonval, F. Bimbot, and E.L. Benaroya (2005).
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Vol. V. Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 293– 296. bibtex

A tentative typology of audio source separation tasks
Vincent, E., C. Févotte, R. Gribonval, E.L. Benaroya, X. Rodet, A. Röbel, E. Le Carpentier, and F. Bimbot (2003a).
4th International Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA). Nara, Japan, pp. 715–720. bibtex

Audio Source Separation with One Sensor For Robust Speech Recognition
Benaroya, E.L., F. Bimbot, G. Gravier, and R. Gribonval (2003).
ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP). Le Croisic, France. pdf, bibtex

Non Negative Sparse Representation For Wiener Based Source Separation with a Single Sensor
Benaroya, E.L., L. Mc Donagh, R. Gribonval, and F. Bimbot (2003).
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Vol. VI. Hong-Kong, China, pp. 613–616. pdf, bibtex

Proposals for performance measurement in source separation
Gribonval, R., E.L. Benaroya, E. Vincent, and C. Févotte (2003).
In: 4th International Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA). Nara, Japan, pp. 763–768. bibtex

Wiener Based Source Separation with HMM/GMM using a Single Sensor
Benaroya, E.L. and F. Bimbot (2003).
4th International Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA). Nara, Japan, pp. 957–961. pdf, bibtex

National conference papers

Représentations parcimonieuses pour la séparation de sources avec un seul capteur
Benaroya, E.L., R. Gribonval, and F. Bimbot (2001)
18e colloque GRETSI sur le traitement du signal et des images. Toulouse, France, p. 434. bibtex

Comment évaluer les algorithmes de séparation de sources audio ?
Vincent, E., C. Févotte, R. Gribonval, E.L. Benaroya, X. Rodet, A. Röbel, E. Le Carpentier, and F. Bimbot (2003b).
19e colloque GRETSI sur le traitement du signal et des images. Paris, France, pp. 27–30. bibtex

Séparation de sources à partir d’un seul capteur pour la reconnaissance robuste de la parole
Gravier, G., E.L. Benaroya, A. Ozerov, R. Gribonval, and F. Bimbot (2004).
In: Journées d’Etude sur la Parole (JEP). Fès, Maroc. bibtex

Technical reports

R program for the comparison of colored network based on motifs
Benaroya, E.L. (2011).
Tech. rep. projet ANR NeMo, AgroParisTech. bibtex